Dream Recording Device & Application

Summer 2022

Deep Blue is a dream recorder for people working in the creative field, including artists, writers, designers, musicians, etc. Dream recording is achieved by the Deep Blue App and eye mask. The eye mask tracks your sleeping status and sends the recorded data to the app. Users can use the app to describe their dream when they wake up. Assisted with the data collected by the eye mask, Deep Blue generates a 3D scene to visualize your dream. Users can share their models on Deep Blue, sharing dreams and exchanging inspiration with others.

Sleeping Stages & Cycles

The 4 sleeping stages can be categorized in non-rapid-eye-movement sleep (NREM) and rapid-eye-movement sleep (REM).

A person undergoes 4 to 6 cycles of sleeping stages in 1 sleep

Stage 4 REM sleep

Stage 4 REM sleep is known for the most prominent and vivid dreams. During this stage, the brain activates to the level seen when you are awake. Your eyes during REM sleep can move quickly. REM sleep is critical to cognitive functions like memory, learning, and creativity.

Deep Blue

Eye Mask

Deep Blue eye mask records the timespan of every sleeping stage & cycle by tracking the movement of the user’s eyeballs through the embedded sensors. Informing the user about their sleep quality. The recorded data is automatically sent to the Deep Blue app for users to track their sleep.

Battery Indication

USB-C Charging Port

Record Button

Temperature Change

Inspired by steaming eye mask, Deep Blue eye mask is equipped with a heating & cooling feature to further enhance the sleep quality of the user.

Deep Blue App

Sleep Analysis

Quick Words

Dream Description

Scene Generation

Scene Browser

Material Library for 3D Scenes

Deep Blue automatically detects the adjectives used in the quick words and dream description process. Based on the description, 3D dream scenes will be generated with the forms that represent the feeling.

Scenes Generated



